and JSM Bandits, LLC assumes that its customers have the right of
usage for and/or on all logos, designs, text, text styles and/or text
designs used in the production of any order. If an item so used is found to be
trademarked, service marked and/or copyrighted,
and JSM Bandits, LLC assume no liability in any trademark,
service mark or copyright infringement disputes. The
purchaser agrees to assume any liability resulting from
actions or demands brought against and JSM
Bandits, LLC including patent, copyright, trademark and/or
service mark infringements. Designs on this
website displaying copyrighted logos, slogans or other
protected material are used with the express permission of the
customers. and JSM Bandits, LLC reserve the right
to use
photos of any and/or all product produced by
and JSM Bandits, LLC in our advertising and marketing materials unless
otherwise specified in writing at the time of order.
Additionally, pin sample photos are examples of the type of
lapel pin styles offered by Actual lapel pins shown
may or may not have been produced by